
Man Built a House From an Old Airplane and Lives in It: See What’s Inside

Bruce Campbell, an American electrical engineer from Oregon, built a comfortable house from an old airplane. It’s in the woods of the Hillsborough area near Portland.

Quand des avions de ligne deviennent des maisons - Figaro Immobilier


It took the electrical engineer 10 years to transform the plane into a functional home, building a cabin, boarding ladder and more. The house, a converted Olympic Airways 727, is 40 meters long and 4 meters wide. He refurbished the floor of the plane, which he purchased for $100,000.

Un homme achète un avion abandonné pour 86 000€ et le transforme en maison  – homenal
Bruce Campbell, who implemented his idea, said “The plane has standard seats, baggage compartments and a toilet. They have almost everything you need to live. »

These toilets are located next to the staircase and are the only ones of the three toilets on the plane that work. Bruce also upgraded the lighting in the ballroom. The plane itself and its wings are blue. Repairing the wing house is not cheap as the paint is peeling and needs to be replaced.

🥇 ▷ Cet homme a construit un vieil avion chez lui. C'est son histoire ✓

He has registered his house and purchases with the US Federal Aviation Administration. There, the house was taped off so pilots would know it was not a crashed plane.


Un vieil avion transformé en maison, l'intérieur est à couper le souffle  (photos) - Africa Top Success

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